Building People Power
for Equity in Land Use
From “UnThanksgiving Ceremony on Alcatraz” & Land Acknowledgment; Photo by Joseph Smooke
Community expertise in equitable city planning is foundational to our multimedia popular education, policy innovation, and organizing.
To achieve housing justice and equity in land use, we must recognize that land is life and land is our home, and not a commodity.
Land has been a tool of power.
Knowledge is power too.
Watch our award-winning animated short “Priced Out”
Find out why housing is so expensive and what you can do about it
Priced Out with Chinese Subtitles
Priced Out with Spanish Subtitles
Priced Out with Tagalog Subtitles
People Power Media’s popular education helps people understand how land is used, and how land use affects their daily lives. Communities use our stories as a resource and our direct engagement is taken further through our workshops and media production for nonprofits. We organize through the Race & Equity in all Planning Coalition (REP-SF), which we founded and facilitate, to fight for systemic change alongside over 40 grassroots organizations. Our narrative change work shifts the dominant narrative from the real estate industry’s “build, build, build” mantra towards housing justice. Our expertise in land use allows us to innovate and impact public policies to make cities that are truly equitable, stable, and diverse.
People Power Media believes that housing justice and equitable city planning are achieved when low-income and communities of color are empowered by their expertise. Equity in land use means having historically marginalized communities lead and be prioritized in city planning. To build power for equity in land use, [people. power. media] takes a holistic, community-building approach through multimedia popular education, organizing, and policy change.
People Power
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