People Power Media envisions a world where planning and land use are in the hands of the people to create cities that are truly affordable, equitable, and diverse.

All illustrations, including Priced Out, by Frederick Noland
Equity in Land Use
Our revolutionary framework to center equity in city planning
Ensuring that all people regardless of their level of income can afford housing.
Community Expertise
Lived experiences of people most impacted, technical know-how, and community-based planning.
Racial Equity
Making sure that Communities of Color are leading the decision-making.
The ability for people to have a stable place to live in their community.
Culture & Arts
Claiming space for cultures to thrive.
Community building, restoration, resilience, and integration with natural systems.
Watch our award-winning animated short “Priced Out”
Find out why housing is so expensive and what you can do about it
Priced Out with Chinese Subtitles
Priced Out with Spanish Subtitles
Priced Out with Tagalog Subtitles
Race & Equity in all Planning coalition (REP-SF)
Our Equity in Land Use framework sparked the creation of the Race & Equity in all Planning coalition (REP-SF). The coalition consists of nearly 40 grassroots and community-based organizations, affordable housing developers, and cultural districts throughout San Francisco. We are building collective power to ensure a future with diverse communities, stable, affordable housing, and equitable access to resources and opportunities. REP-SF works to create new systems that deliberately address all components of the Equity in Land Use Framework, which serves as a foundation for the coalition’s organizing efforts and strategies.
In 2022, People Power Media led a months-long collaborative effort with REP-SF groups to publish San Francisco’s first-ever Citywide People’s Plan. We were guided by the existing community development plans that REP-SF organizations have produced over decades – plans that are rooted in community, in people, in identity and culture, and in principles of inclusive and holistic planning.
The REP-SF Citywide People’s Plan is a revolutionary roadmap for achieving equity in land use and includes solutions for affordable housing funding, real community planning, and tenant and neighborhood stabilization.
The documentary “Sa Amin: Our Place,” produced and directed by [people. power. media], is the untold story of Filipino community activists and multigenerational families in San Francisco's South of Market neighborhood claiming a right to the city as they battle displacement caused by urban renewal, real estate speculation, and tech booms, and in doing so they are sustaining the cultural heart of the Filipino-American community. Learn more about our upcoming film screenings.
We do workshops.
We specialize in designing and facilitating popular education workshops for organizations and community leaders about why housing is so expensive based on our animated feature, "Priced Out" and other topics such as gentrification, affordable housing solutions, and community planning.
people power starts with you
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