Why is housing so expensive? What are real solutions for affordability? How is the real estate industry manipulating policies and the media? Find out the answers from People Power Media’s engaging and original multimedia popular education. Our stories, analyses, and solutions center on affordability, racial equity, culture & arts, community expertise, stability, and sustainability — the foundations of our equity framework.
Our accountability journalism speaks truth to power about the real estate industry. We act locally focusing on the San Francisco Bay Area, and think globally, with coverage of international solidarity.
Speaking truth to power. Our accountability journalism unveils the corruption, lies, and manipulation by major corporations and the government, especially within the real estate industry and developer lobbyists.
Ensuring that all people can afford housing. Everything a person needs to survive and thrive should be affordable to people of all incomes. These stories include solutions and community struggles for affordability.
Lived experiences of people most impacted, technical know-how, and community-based planning. These stories uplift our communities’ knowledge and first-hand experiences that form the solutions for critical issues.
Claiming space for cultures to thrive. These stories are from communities fighting for survival, acknowledgment, and a right to the city, and show how culture and arts are vital components of equity in land use.
The Philippines. Canada. Palestine. China. Our stories have spanned the globe — from on-the-ground reporting of people power movements in the Philippines, to housing justice in Canada, to local solidarity actions.
Making sure that Communities of Color are leading the decision-making. These are stories of American Indian, Black, and other Communities of Color self-determination.
A stable place to live in your community. Strong tenants’ rights mean living without displacement or evictions. No foreclosures for homeowners. These stories show the resilience of people fighting to stay in the city.
Community building, restoration, resilience, and integration with natural systems. These stories center on environmental justice for those who are most impacted by climate change, pollution, and corporate reprisals.
Our media collection represents a wealth of community expertise and pathways to learn about critical issues from the perspectives of the people most impacted.
Happy exploring!
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