"Priced Out" Trailer
Priced Out is an engaging animated web series that follows a young couple as they discover why housing is so expensive and what we can all do about it. Our goal is to empower people to demand real solutions for housing affordability.
Episode 1: "Isn't There An App For That?"
Meet Curtis, a high school teacher, and Riley, a tech gig worker, in their micro-unit in San Francisco. They've just received a rent increase and need to figure out how to keep their growing family in the City.
Behind The Scenes: Illustrating "Priced Out"
I'm Fred Noland. I'm the lead illustrator on “Priced Out.”
Let's Make A Cartoon Together!
[people. power. media] is deep into production of “Priced Out,” the animated web series that explains why housing is so expensive in San Francisco and what you can do about it.
Be part of this ambitious and groundbreaking project! Contribute today.
Episode 6: “The People Lead & The Leaders Follow”
Curtis & Riley, with Olive in tow, join Carmen in confronting the Mayor about the high cost of housing.
Episode 4: “They Left Their Home In San Francisco”
A Mission mural comes to life and tells the story of how real estate in San Francisco became so valuable.
Episode 5: “WTF SF?”
Curtis and Riley put all the pieces together, and they're not sure what to do about finding a place to live. As they're walking the streets, they run into a rally outside City Hall led by Carmen, a housing activist.
Episode 2: "Can We Build More And Pay Less?"
Curtis and Riley with the help of Riley's AI watch, Olive, meet with condo developer Sumir who tells them how development works.
Episode 3: "Why Does Housing Cost So Much?"
Join Riley and Curtis in a revolving restaurant with an epic view of San Francisco.