Community Victory Over Major Healthcare Corporation
A healthcare corporation threatened to shut down a critical hospital for low income San Franciscans. The story of how community and labor groups successfully saved a hospital and forced real benefits over profit.
Exclusive Exposé: The Wild West Of Landlord Technology
Your landlord is cashing in on the latest real estate scam that's inflating the most dangerous housing bubble yet. The industry calls it “Property Technology.” Insiders refer to it as “PropTech.” [people. power. media] and the Anti-Eviction Mapping Project have been researching this voracious beast devouring housing units all over the world. We've dubbed it a title that better describes the impact of this disruptive tech: “Landlord Tech.” In this [people. power. media] in-depth exclusive, we dig deep to expose just how insidious, pervasive and largely unregulated Landlord Technology is.
Achieving Equity In City Planning
City planners have for decades perpetrated segregation, displacement and inequality. We called this out in our first part of this series, “Post-Coronavirus We Need a New Way to Plan Cities.” Building on that piece, we are introducing a revolutionary framework for how to achieve equity by planning cities in an entirely new way: by intentionally addressing Desegregation, Affordability, Production, Stability and Sustainability (DAPSS).
COVID-19 Resource & Action Guide, Part 3
Building Community!
& New COVID-19 Resources
Check out what People Power Media has been up to! And, if you missed our previous resource and action guides, you can view them here.
Post-Coronavirus We Need A New Way To Plan Cities
This is the first in a series of essays with illustrations by the brilliantly talented Frederick Noland. This is work that grows out of our 2019 animated feature, Priced Out: Why You Can’t Afford to Live in San Francisco.
COVID-19 Resource & Action Guide, Part 2
As we continue to shelter-in-place, we know that everyone is doing their best to stay healthy and help each other. The landscape keeps shifting minute by minute. People Power Media will keep doing our best to bring you the latest ways to stay engaged. If you missed the first resource guide, you can view it here. This list of actions and resources is focused on San Francisco, the East Bay and California.
COVID-19 Resource & Action Guide
We hope that every one of you is able to stay safe and healthy during this time. This list of actions and resources is for San Francisco and California. If you don't live there and would like us to circulate a similar guide for your area, please let us know!
Community Celebrates The Mission Marvel
SAN FRANCISCO — Shouts of “The Monster is dead!” roared through the jubilant crowd at the 16th Street BART Plaza in the heart of San Francisco’s Mission District on Thursday afternoon. Over a hundred people celebrated with music, dance, and chants their defeat of a luxury housing development that Maximus Real Estate Partners had proposed to build at this location.
Concerns Over Gentrification Spark Protest In The Excelsior
A neighborhood at risk of being gentrified in San Francisco reacts forcefully against a housing project promising 25% affordable units, while the real estate developer insists it “never intended to be a luxury housing project.”
Priced Out Resource Guide
Click on the image to view or download a PDF version of the “Priced Out” resource guide.
"Priced Out" Trailer
Priced Out is an engaging animated web series that follows a young couple as they discover why housing is so expensive and what we can all do about it. Our goal is to empower people to demand real solutions for housing affordability.
San Francisco's Powerful New Tool For Affordable Housing
Nonprofits running affordable housing in San Francisco will soon be granted the first-right-to-bid priority in the market if there are multi-unit buildings for sale.
Episode 1: "Isn't There An App For That?"
Meet Curtis, a high school teacher, and Riley, a tech gig worker, in their micro-unit in San Francisco. They've just received a rent increase and need to figure out how to keep their growing family in the City.
Behind The Scenes: Illustrating "Priced Out"
I'm Fred Noland. I'm the lead illustrator on “Priced Out.”
How A Rent Freeze Solves The Housing Crisis
We're here with Bob Herman who has developed many affordable housing developments throughout San Francisco, the Bay Area, and California through his architecture firm which we are here today.
Let's Make A Cartoon Together!
[people. power. media] is deep into production of “Priced Out,” the animated web series that explains why housing is so expensive in San Francisco and what you can do about it.
Be part of this ambitious and groundbreaking project! Contribute today.