SF Planning Director’s Record Of Displacement
San Francisco has become the cautionary tale for how not to develop a city in the 21st Century. Frequently derided as the most expensive housing market in the US, skyrocketing rents and mass evictions are forcibly displacing residents as the gap between the rich and the poor is growing faster than anywhere else in the US.
Domestic Worker Suit Against Tech Power Couple
Domestic worker files a complaint against top Uber Executive and his wife.
The Mission At Its Best, The Mayor At His Worst
The community stayed until midnight, gathered around the screens in Supervisors' offices and overflow rooms like la familia watching the public comment. The human drama unfolding with each testimony was the reality TV of a neighborhood and people in crisis.
Interview With Central Valley Youth On CA Drought
Middle school student from Mendota in western Fresno County breaks down the impacts of the California drought on farm workers in one of People Power Media's best interviewees.
Micro-Units: Failed Attempt At Affordable Housing
What San Franciscans have been asking for is affordable housing - someplace modest, safe, and accessible for families, seniors, disabled and working people. Recently, the idea of “micro-units” gained momentum as a way to alleviate the scramble for affordable housing, and people decided to give it a shot.
The Mission Takes San Francisco City Hall
Hundreds gather inside San Francisco City Hall to demand affordable housing and a stop on evictions and luxury housing in the Mission District.
Fund Affordable With Windfall Profits Tax From Rents
Cities around the Bay Area desperately need money for affordable housing and there is a potential source of funding that is right in front of them. Rents in the San Francisco Bay Area are among the highest in the country and are likely to keep going up for the foreseeable future, creating an affordability crisis for tenants.
Community Rejects Developer's Benefits Proposal
Community members distrust and anger drowns out a developers’ presentation, as they reject the "benefits agreement" for condos in San Francisco's Mission District. They say the condos will only make the class divides worse in this rapidly gentrifying neighborhood.
Public Lands For Public Benefit
One of the most delusional ways the City is addressing San Francisco’s growing inequality and housing crisis is to use half of its surplus land for market rate housing. The City's Public Land for Housing project, which will set the policy for how the City will use its surplus lands is now underway.
Don’t Sell Off Public Land For Luxury Housing
Public land should be used for public benefit. This seems like a simple principle, but for some reason this doesn’t seem to be the case for San Francisco.
Oakland Residents Resist Public Land For Condos
The City of Oakland has recommended that a large parcel of public land near Lake Merritt be developed as market rate condos. Residents of Eastlake neighborhood speak out against the development, advocating for affordable housing instead.
Win-Win Solution To SF Housing Crisis
It’s no secret that there are somewhere between 10,000 and 30,000 units in the city of San Francisco left vacant for tax purposes. The owners of those empty buildings have more to gain by leaving them empty— for the purpose of showing a loss—to offset tax liabilities from other income.
Community Demands 100 Percent Affordable
On March 4, 2015, proposed developers of market rate condos at 16th and Mission, Maximus Real Estate Partners, called a meeting to discuss the "community benefits" they intend to provide as part of the development. Hundreds of members of the Plaza 16 Coalition,* a group of community organizations, merchants and neighbors, showed up to voice their concerns.
Teacher Mic Checks Condo Developer
On March 4, 2015, proposed developers of market rate condos at 16th and Mission, Maximus Real Estate Partners, called a meeting to discuss the "community benefits" they intend to provide as part of the development. Hundreds of members of the Plaza 16 Coalition,* a group of community organizations, merchants and neighbors, showed up to voice their concerns.
5 Facts: It’s NOT Because Of Supply
San Francisco’s Housing Crisis Is NOT Because Of Supply
Eviction Free San Francisco Occupies Paolo Shoe Store
On February 8, 2015, organizations from across San Francisco occupied Paolo shoe store on Fillmore Street owned by Sergio Iantorno's son Paolo.
Op-Ed: Renters Group Wants SF To BARF Up More Housing
SF Bay Area Renters’ Federation (SF-BARF) presented the “Inaugural SF BARF Panel: ‘The Political Landscape’” on the evening of February 2. The event’s facebook page said BARF’s goal is to “organize renters (and allies) to agitate for increasing the supply of housing in San Francisco, Oakland and the Bay Area.”
Housing Near Transit For The Rich Or Poor?
On a blazing hot Saturday afternoon, several hundred people marched through the streets of San Francisco’s Mission District as part of a growing movement against a developer’s plans for condo buildings at one of the Bay Area’s busiest transit hubs.
Podcast: Why SF Residents Fight Development
[people. power. media] reporter Dyan Ruiz interviews longtime San Francisco housing activist Calvin Welch about why residents fight against development amidst the City's affordability crisis.
UnThanksgiving Ceremony On Alcatraz
On November 27, 2014, the International Indian Treaty Council (IITC) hosted the 30th Indigenous Peoples' Annual UnThanksgiving Sunrise Gathering on Alcatraz Island.