Land Acknowledgment
This land acknowledgement was presented by Priya and Keane as their contribution to open the San Francisco Anti-Displacement Coalition (SFADC) annual retreat.
Community Victory Over Major Healthcare Corporation
A healthcare corporation threatened to shut down a critical hospital for low income San Franciscans. The story of how community and labor groups successfully saved a hospital and forced real benefits over profit.
Ceasefire In Gaza Now!
[people. power. media] believes that our communities’ struggles for self-determination are inextricably linked to this moment – to the Palestinian movement for freedom from Israeli occupation and an end to the ongoing genocide against Palestinian people.
Claiming Space: Culture, Arts And Resistance
In this series of essays, [people. power. media] lays out a revolutionary framework to achieve equity in city planning. This piece on Culture and Arts is the third on this entirely new approach.
History Of Anti-Asian Violence
On March 16, news broke that a gunman murdered eight people, six of whom were Asian women, in massage parlors in the Atlanta area. I felt devastated and angry — and above all, I felt numb. This tragic news came off the heels of a cluster of attacks against Asian elders in the Bay Area, where I was born and raised.
Racial Equity Forum: API And Black Solidarity
Richmond District Neighborhood Center hosted a forum on that addresses Asian Pacific Islander and Black solidarity featuring Dyan Ruiz, Co-Founder of People Power Media, San Francisco District 1 Supervisor Sandra Lee Fewer, and Kevine Boggess, Education and Policy Director at Coleman Advocates.
Exclusive Exposé: The Wild West Of Landlord Technology
Your landlord is cashing in on the latest real estate scam that's inflating the most dangerous housing bubble yet. The industry calls it “Property Technology.” Insiders refer to it as “PropTech.” [people. power. media] and the Anti-Eviction Mapping Project have been researching this voracious beast devouring housing units all over the world. We've dubbed it a title that better describes the impact of this disruptive tech: “Landlord Tech.” In this [people. power. media] in-depth exclusive, we dig deep to expose just how insidious, pervasive and largely unregulated Landlord Technology is.
Achieving Equity In City Planning
City planners have for decades perpetrated segregation, displacement and inequality. We called this out in our first part of this series, “Post-Coronavirus We Need a New Way to Plan Cities.” Building on that piece, we are introducing a revolutionary framework for how to achieve equity by planning cities in an entirely new way: by intentionally addressing Desegregation, Affordability, Production, Stability and Sustainability (DAPSS).
COVID-19 Resource & Action Guide, Part 3
Building Community!
& New COVID-19 Resources
Check out what People Power Media has been up to! And, if you missed our previous resource and action guides, you can view them here.
Post-Coronavirus We Need A New Way To Plan Cities
This is the first in a series of essays with illustrations by the brilliantly talented Frederick Noland. This is work that grows out of our 2019 animated feature, Priced Out: Why You Can’t Afford to Live in San Francisco.
COVID-19 Resource & Action Guide, Part 2
As we continue to shelter-in-place, we know that everyone is doing their best to stay healthy and help each other. The landscape keeps shifting minute by minute. People Power Media will keep doing our best to bring you the latest ways to stay engaged. If you missed the first resource guide, you can view it here. This list of actions and resources is focused on San Francisco, the East Bay and California.
COVID-19 Resource & Action Guide
We hope that every one of you is able to stay safe and healthy during this time. This list of actions and resources is for San Francisco and California. If you don't live there and would like us to circulate a similar guide for your area, please let us know!
Community Celebrates The Mission Marvel
SAN FRANCISCO — Shouts of “The Monster is dead!” roared through the jubilant crowd at the 16th Street BART Plaza in the heart of San Francisco’s Mission District on Thursday afternoon. Over a hundred people celebrated with music, dance, and chants their defeat of a luxury housing development that Maximus Real Estate Partners had proposed to build at this location.
Activist And Journalist Shot In The Philippines Returns To San Francisco
Friends, family and supporters including local politicians gathered before dawn on Saturday to welcome back home wounded journalist and activist, Brandon Lee. Lee was born and raised in San Francisco and was shot outside his home in the northern Philippines in August of this year.
California Set To Pass Statewide Rent Cap And Tenant Protections
AB1482, authored by Assemblyman David Chiu from San Francisco, was introduced in February 2019 and now sits on Governor Gavin Newsom’s desk awaiting his signature of approval.
Educators Struggle To Stay In The Bay Area
The Council of Community Housing Organizations in San Francisco and Bay Area Forward released a report this morning describing the urgent need for housing affordable to educators working in the Bay Area, and in the report, they have offered a suite of solutions.